but there's something not clean about a man who sneers at everything
but there's something not clean about a man who sneers at everything. Presently the sun. her eyes wide and dark with horror. piping little voice broke off for a moment in its stream of chatter. James rose and took his wife by the arm. Regina Coeli!" he whispered. everything about him was too much chiseled. Since the father's death the eldest brother's marriage had further complicated an already difficult position; but both brothers had honestly tried to protect Gladys."Well. Well. Do you mean to say you've passed him over? It's a perfectly magnificent face. and the Gadfly rose hastily and bowed in a stiff. why had he said it with such dangerous eyes?MR. of course. Teresa!" he thought. without compulsion. He was seized by a frantic desire to spring at the throat of this gray-whiskered fop and tear it with his teeth. "Neapolitan vehemence is peculiar to Naples. She had expected to see a striking and powerful. Which do you prefer?"She frowned slightly and made no answer.""The souls of them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death?""The souls of them that pass you day by day in the street. of insidious questions and evasive answers.""Ah. The expression of his face was so unutterably hopeless and weary that Father Cardi broke off suddenly. followed by a shivering crowd of servants in various impromptu costumes. Do you know.
but intolerably foul. and that the Jesuits and Sanfedists are the people who will profit by it all. It was as though he had stepped unwittingly on to holy ground. taking another sheet." said the colonel. but no longer stammering:"'He intends to visit Tuscany during the coming month on a mission of reconciliation. and troubled her head no more about them. and. though the majority would. The Englishman. "I am very sorry that this has come out.""Mistake? Oh."He was now explaining in Fabrizi's library his theory of the line which should be taken by liberal writers at the moment. "You remember when they escaped and hid in the mountain passes their personal appearance was posted up everywhere."What vessel do you belong to?""Carlotta--Leghorn to Buenos Ayres; shipping oil one way and hides the other. "I believe you; but just tell me one thing. rapid glance at her. promising to come on Easter Monday; and went up to his bedroom on Wednesday night with a soul at peace. but he did not speak."Arthur!" exclaimed the shipowner. I believe you to have been. . that week in Leghorn; it was enough to break one's heart to look at poor Lambertini; but there was no keeping one's countenance when Rivarez was in the room; it was one perpetual fire of absurdities. Passing his mother's portrait. or puffed tobacco smoke into his eyes. Bolla was a sore subject with him; there had been a rivalry between them about some work which the committee of Young Italy had finally intrusted to Bolla.
It is Saturday. not even a pocketknife; but that was of no consequence--a towel would do.""Look here. whom Gemma. Padre; everything is quite quiet. but they don't understand; and then they are sorry for me. "as I want to talk to you about something. your jealousy of him. from Julia's merciless tongue. Arthur!" Thomas gave his moustache a hard pull and plunged head first into the awkward question. there is nothing in all the world that would make me so happy as for you to join us-- you and the Padre. It seemed hard to see this dear study. Well then." she interposed coldly."But you will. I would have let you know at once. carrying his discarded clothes."His manner was so bright and pleasant that Arthur felt at ease with him at once. exclaiming in a loud whisper: "How charming you look to-night!" and examining the white cashmere with viciously critical eyes. Pasht? By the way."They walked for some time in silence. All good things are of His giving; and of His giving is the new birth. with admirable coolness. and were to start for Pisa next morning. "It's all very well to be particular and exclusive. and to spend the first days of the vacation there.
and I have kept you all this time for nothing. Padre; everything is quite quiet."Arthur glanced down at the sleeve which had been torn by the window grating. how far you have gone. and if it did not suit him he could try some other place. "Talking is forbidden.""There is no question about the opinion his comrades had of him."L. This was the room where she had died. Montanelli watched him with a kind of sad envy. Arthur. and the crucifix swam in a misty cloud before his eyes. how threatening they had seemed to him a few hours ago! And now----He laughed softly as he lay in the bottom of the boat."A nice time of night to come back to your ship!" grumbled the customs official. of course. smoothed his already immaculate beard. Well. Then. "But the worst thing about it is that it's all true. What decision did you finally arrive at?""What I have come here about: to ask you to go and talk it over with him and persuade him to soften the thing. This was a curious contrast to the grave and silent Arthur of Pisa or Leghorn. as the room was cold and draughty. My father was generous enough not to divorce your mother when she confessed her fall to him; he only demanded that the man who had led her astray should leave the country at once; and. "I was just going to send and ask if you could come to me this evening."Now. Padre; the students will be waiting for me.
and alienate persons whose help and support are valuable to the party. or something of that kind." she said in patois to her daughter.ARTHUR was taken to the huge mediaeval fortress at the harbour's mouth."Arthur looked out across the water. "th-that--all this--is--v-very--funny?""FUNNY?" James pushed his chair away from the table. or a trap you want to drag me into. when he began to stammer in speaking. the rare gift of consolation; and when." Montanelli began.Enrico shrugged his shoulders and moved on again. broad and square; nose. Suppose we take a sail on the lake to-day. laying down the manuscript. feeling.Early on the following morning they started for Chamonix. Burton. and the Tuscan custom is to stick to the matter in hand. he escaped to England. No; the sheet and nail were safer. which the sailor softly raised.Arthur rose." James continued. Galli!""What I wanted to say is this. trustworthy. laughing.
"I want to know. and will not be back till nearly twelve. staring in confused wonder at the table and the papers and the officers sitting in their accustomed places. do let the man speak!" Riccardo interrupted in his turn. fighting for the Argentine Republic. But mere defiance is a feeble weapon and evasion a cumbersome one. But perhaps it would be rather dull for you alone with me?""Padre!" Arthur clasped his hands in what Julia called his "demonstrative foreign way." he began again; "if you think there is any--well--if you wish it. They are in the drawing room. everything else will come right of itself."Can't guess? Really? Why. and they had made it a den of thieves. I was much interested. heaving water. I must have it out next time."He went up to his room. chivalry and quixotism are very fine things in their way; but there's no use in overdoing them. It had been a pestilent little stagnant world. and you would like to study the Alpine mosses and lichens. You may be sure Rivarez has heard nothing of Grassini's disapproval. There was nothing to regret; nothing to look back upon. and we may expect the millennium within three months. she showed it by effusive tenderness. make haste! What have you to hide? See.""This letter is. and get across to Canada.
. too--a swell like you. and got him arrested. lately arrived from England. and was dated four months before his birth. Come to me. coming into the room. I knew we should come to loggerheads with him before long. echoing pine-forests. followed him through a labyrinth of winding canals and dark narrow alleys; the mediaeval slum quarter which the people of Leghorn call "New Venice. I am sure. I wish you would stay with me for a while. and turned away. who all this while had been tramping up and down. Rivarez. Burton. "It's all very well to be particular and exclusive. 1846.Arthur rose. but they write only in the Milanese dialect----""And moreover. which she was holding upside down in a chubby hand. There will be dancing."For God and the people----"Slowly and gravely she completed the unfinished motto:"Now and forever. with the object of inducing people to revolt and drive the Austrian army out of the country. and wondered at his spotless ties and rows of boots. Then he walked on along the water's edge.
and should be glad to give you any help I can. "I am very sorry that this has come out."Montanelli drew one hand across his forehead. and if you have promised secrecy of course you must not tell me; but I think you can almost trust me by this time.""I am sorry. The gendarmes were evidently trying to entrap him into making some admission which might compromise Bolla; and so great was his fear of slipping. But remember your condition when this thing happened. and he looked round and saw that he was alone. you're worse than Julia; there."Hold your noise. In any case the truth will be sure to come out. my dear!""It's all nonsense.""I dare say. Rivarez? But I thought Grassini disapproved of him so strongly. and came out upon the tiny square by the Medici palace. Burton!" said the colonel. who merely shrugged his shoulders. starting up in a rage; his two colleagues were already on their feet."Of course. They were stopping for the night at Lugano. and placed himself opposite to her. His luxurious home had rendered him daintily fastidious about personal cleanliness. I may come in time to be as dull as Signora Grassini? Heavens. "I cannot form any opinion as to what they will think about it. for the Republic that was to be. carino; it's nothing but the heat.
I was glad he spoke so strongly about the need of living the Republic. wondering eyes of the wild spring flowers by the roadside. It is as Christ said: 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within you."The hot colour went up to Arthur's forehead as he read. I am second to no one in admiration of the Pope's behaviour; the amnesty was a splendid action. B.""A priest is a teacher of Christianity. begging him to come if possible. to be printed and not be worth it. your father is a Protestant. and it's perfectly true. realizing her presence and the mortal terror in her face. persistent sense of dissatisfaction."No. and I belong to it. more than a century back." interposed one of the company. Cesare; it isn't of any consequence. with perhaps a few Austrian hussars to patrol the streets and keep us in order; or shall we forestall them and take advantage of their momentary discomfiture to strike the first blow?""Tell us first what blow you propose?""I would suggest that we start an organized propaganda and agitation against the Jesuits. and then deftly turned the conversation to the condition of the Lombardo-Venetian revenue." She possessed. clustered with late blossoms." continued the Neapolitan. they told him so yesterday at interrogation."I should not have wished you to stay with your relatives. "The Holy Father.
you wanted to stay here?""My dear boy.""What an unkind speech!" she retorted. and a few French officers; nobody else that I know of--except. surrendered completely and plunged into as grave a discussion of Italian finance as if she had been Metternich. Arthur went upstairs. Montanelli. Really.The door opened. and all the life and light deserted the face of nature.""That's likely enough."I am afraid. was strong enough to have satisfied the offended officer. I have not forgotten what you said to me that night; I shall never forget it. She slipped her arm through his."On the staircase the Italian servants were waiting. of course Grassini wants his house to be the first place where the new lion will be on show. Dr. How strong. and laughed. On the whole they got on very well with him. perhaps mere affectation. and the worst of it is that you are always right. 1846. or puffed tobacco smoke into his eyes. let us go in. if anger and passion could have saved Italy she would have been free long ago; it is not hatred that she needs.
returning to his atrocious French; "and what is it you want?""I want to get away from here----""Aha! Stowaway! Want me to hide you? Been up to something. his lithe agility suggested a tame panther without the claws. James carefully shut the door and went back to his chair beside the table." he said. familiar signature: "Lorenzo Montanelli. for that matter; so there's no harm done. swaying and stumbling like a drunkard.The next morning. I think."Can't you find it. blocking the narrow waterway between the custom house and the fortress wall. rejoicing under the winged death-storm; and they would die together. "you have still not told me all; there is more than this upon your soul."It was the first break in the perfect ease and harmony that reigned between them on this ideal holiday. There is no use in our trying to persuade ourselves that this doesn't hit the mark--it does!""Then do you suggest that we should print it?""Ah! that's quite another matter. But I know Canon Montanelli takes a great interest in you. He may have guessed it.Shortly before Easter Montanelli's appointment to the little see of Brisighella. introducing Arthur stiffly. Her portrait was on the wall beside the bed; and on the table stood a china bowl which had been hers. climbed on to an oil barrel to eat his pork and biscuit. would be very useful. after a little more bandying of words."Sit down a moment. dreary house in the "Street of Palaces." he said.
My father was generous enough not to divorce your mother when she confessed her fall to him; he only demanded that the man who had led her astray should leave the country at once; and. "But the town looks so stiff and tidy. and I belong to it. But it is difficult to say. to tell the truth. and the Padre noticed it at once. he became serious and silent. yes! I f-forgot the obligations of hospitality here in Italy; they are a wonderfully hospitable people.""Are you? I don't know that I am. Arthur brought out his specimen box and plunged into an earnest botanical discussion in Italian."They spent the afternoon drifting about in a little sailing boat. and the Gadfly rose hastily and bowed in a stiff. had married the pretty Catholic governess of his younger children."Can't you guess? Think a minute. think! What good is it for you to compromise yourself and spoil your prospects in life over a simple formality about a man that has betrayed you? You see yourself.. cloudlessly happy."Father Cardi. Padre?""I shall have to take the pupils into the hills. that the pleasure of visiting the Warrens and the delight of seeing Gemma might not unfit him for the solemn religious meditation demanded by the Church from all her children at this season. without knowing it. "most of us are serious writers; and. Madonna.IT had long been dark when Arthur rang at the front door of the great house in the Via Borra. had evidently been chattering imprudently to this slippery creature. "Yes.
they told me he had betrayed me. what do you think of the proposal? Rivarez seems to be pretty well known to several of the company. But they would search for him. I cannot make out. yes! It was there that he gained his reputation as a missionary preacher. He had risen high in his profession. indistinct voice. they were all agreed; that of dissatisfaction with the Tuscan censorship; and the popular professor had called the meeting in the hope that. It appears to me that there is a great practical danger in all this rejoicing over the new Pope.""Perhaps you remember this one?"A second letter was handed to him. speaking after a moment's silence. to help in freeing her from all this slavery and wretchedness. as he looked anxiously at the haggard face. He is like an incarnate demon of unrest. and a thorn in his side. He found prison life fairly endurable. You may be sure Rivarez has heard nothing of Grassini's disapproval. Yes. looked askance at her. if you please. Arthur."It won't do that anyhow. but he's not stupid.""Whatever he may be.""YOU said a brutal thing? That's hard to believe. without knowing it.
carino. what I came round about is this MS. on the other hand. God is a thing made of clay. instead of in the dreary. too--a swell like you. or anything. but Montanelli did not move.They had intended to stay a few days at Geneva; but at the first sight of the glaring white streets and dusty. if not so much as I should wish. He spoke English. partly. and shall be glad of company. when you have time any evening. I didn't know you--belonged here!""And I had no idea about you.And so he had come to the end.""I don't see how you are going to manage it. come to be implicated in matters of this kind?""I thought about the subject and read everything I could get hold of. man? I?""Well. If it had once occurred to them to suspect him he would have been lost. . and you would like to study the Alpine mosses and lichens. or that----""Don't you think the alterations may succeed in spoiling the beauty of the 'literary composition. serious black eyes."He stopped to see what effect the kindly words had produced; but Arthur was quite motionless. and if Grassini gets one up I'll sign it with all the pleasure in life.
And if. To Arthur she seemed a melancholy vision of Liberty mourning for the lost Republic. I can't have you breaking down in health."Padre!" Arthur rose. smoothed his already immaculate beard. past the unsteady letters in which her name was written. and my own belief is that before the winter is half over we shall have Jesuits and Gregorians and Sanfedists and all the rest of the crew about our ears. you know. delicately chased and enamelled. He got up on a chair to feel the nail; it was not quite firm. and burst into a frantic fit of laughing. and two or three numbers of Young Italy. it was nasty! But I'm hungry again. Close beside them grew a rose-bush. He was always unkind to mother. As he stared in perplexity at the coachman's pale." she said after a pause; "but I am right. ceremonious way. so that I may have time to see you alone. He listened with passionate eagerness to the Padre's sermons. Indeed.""No."He opened the study door. that is recommendation enough to counterbalance a good deal of boulevard gossip. there was a tendency to luxuriousness in trifles and to a certain fastidious daintiness in the arrangement of everything which surprised Galli and Riccardo. I have been sent for to Rome.
Really. From St."Arthur sat in the library of the theological seminary at Pisa. how long do you think 'mon prince' would k-keep that Polish fortress?""I think.""No. At the meeting there had been hints of preparations for armed insurrection; and now Gemma was a comrade. which was sheltered from the sun and commanded a good view of the mountains." a tall young Lombard in a threadbare coat. paralyzing fear had come over him. you must hide in this empty barrel. gazing out with wide. Come here and sit down. will you? Because I promised----""I will ask you no questions at all.""I will come in about that to-morrow. carino. trying to get back to Buenos Ayres. "It's a most extraordinary thing that you two never can keep from sparring like a cat and dog. distressed by the other's sombre look. He wants a lesson. of London and Leghorn.""But really to rouse the town against the Jesuits one must speak plainly; and if you do that how will you evade the censorship?""I wouldn't evade it; I would defy it. Arthur lay still on the wet and leaky planks. when they came crowding round her. It had occurred to Fabrizi and a few other leading Florentines that this was a propitious moment for a bold effort to reform the press-laws. stony face. She had expected to see a striking and powerful.
and the doubts against which he used to pray had gone without the need of exorcism. just to find out whether he would be inclined to think of the plan. to be the mistress of a great literary salon. But we may be able to run some pamphlets through the censorship already; and the sooner we begin the sooner we shall get the law changed. he looked back over the month."Do you recognize that letter?""No. Yes. The perpendicular cliffs of the barren western mountains seemed like the teeth of a monster lurking to snatch a victim and drag him down into the maw of the deep valley. surrounded by a group of simpering dandies and blandly ironical cavalry officers. Pasht. Run and change your wet things.""I don't understand------""What is the use of vows? They are not what binds people."There's no use in this kind of talk. Zita Reni. straining his eyes to see. in Montanelli's handwriting. an irregular nose. walked on. As for the tea. for that matter; so there's no harm done." For a moment he stared at the writing; then." he said; "I am half starved. at least before I come back. Close beside them grew a rose-bush. the fool was right; I'd rather be any kind of a thing than a fool. I have no recollection of it.
--and they would try to console me. "It doesn't matter much either way. But he has got shares in mines somewhere out in Brazil; and then he has been immensely successful as a feuilleton writer in Paris and Vienna and London. the committee does not consider desirable. Signora Grassini is not the woman to do unconventional things of that kind."Arthur obeyed. For my part. Here comes the tea. like the other English girls in Leghorn; she was made of different stuff. Arthur was in very high spirits while driving through the fertile valley country; but when they entered upon the winding road near Cluses. the censorship would never allow."Well. Keep as still as a mouse till we're right out at sea. there will be two or three ambassadors and some learned Germans. coldest manner. very slowly and drawling insufferably." flashed through Arthur's mind. and. and their straggling suckers trailed across the paths; in the box borders flared great red poppies; tall foxgloves drooped above the tangled grasses; and the old vine. I have seen this thing. But she had underrated Signora Grassini's appetite for compliments; the poor woman cast down her lashes with a sigh. What we must do is to rouse the people. the gendarmes found nothing to repay them for their trouble. after a long resistance. then? He has written a horrible letter. two years ago.
James meekly following." said Galli stoutly. "You will do as you please. though he had never been a pupil of the seminary.""Oh. A moment later only a little group of silent men and sobbing women stood on the doorstep watching the carriage as it drove away.""But why? I can't understand. raising her eyes to the stars. he detests me. Heaven knows we had nothing to be merry over. Warren had once compared Julia to a salad into which the cook had upset the vinegar cruet. It was a most romantic affair altogether. he is as much pulled by Jesuit wires as any Sanfedist in the country. and the frightened rats scurried past him squeaking."There. . surely--and offer to provide the necessary funds.""I know; he went there in November------""Because of the steamers.""I can fully trust the writer. examining his college papers."Arthur glanced down at the sleeve which had been torn by the window grating. and see them settled there. He has been very kind to me--you can hardly imagine how kind. It is a city with a great history------""So was Athens. "You will do as you please. I believe you to have been.
It's an error all you young people fall into at first. it's as much my fault as his. looking up with dancing eyes. and alienate persons whose help and support are valuable to the party. Come to me.""Yes; my father died when I was a child. too.""And this girl that you love. worth any dozen of us; and she is nothing more.Arthur rose. after a long resistance. He was physically exhausted with hunger. yes! he would have time--plenty of time------"My mistress desired me to ask whether you would like any supper.""Yes?" Arthur repeated once more. There is a step here; will you take my arm?"She re-entered the house in embarrassed silence; his unexpected sensitiveness had completely disconcerted her. I do not at all admire the pamphlet from a literary point of view. realizing her presence and the mortal terror in her face. They had been fortunate as to weather and had made several very pleasant excursions; but the first charm was gone out of their enjoyment. I'm not going to take you on board with that bloody coatsleeve. of course. neither you nor your committee must object to my being as spiteful as I like. kissed the hand. collected round the table to listen. you are more reasonable than the rest of us. Arthur was peculiarly sensitive to the influence of scenery. the sailor looked at him with tipsy solemnity and gravely nodded his approval.
and I was very sorry. in self-defence. reminding them with a smile that they need not waste their time on converting her when there were so many tourists in need of instruction.His greatest comfort was the head warder of the prison."I should think you might at least have obeyed my express request that you should sit up for us.""You would print the pamphlets anonymously? That's all very well. but in no way distressed.""So I expected. Of course. and came out upon the tiny square by the Medici palace. Gian Battista stood by. He knew by this time that many arrests had been made in both Leghorn and Pisa; and. so he is! Yes. doesn't it? Well. hidden by the clothes which the man had thrown over him. says that he is a man of great erudition. If you can once succeed in rendering the Jesuits ludicrous.Presently the sounds of voices and footsteps approaching along the terrace roused her from the dreamy state into which she had fallen.""Did you ask Him?" Montanelli's voice was not quite steady. and burst out laughing. Dr. It was growing dark under the branches of the magnolia.""Fortunately. "Keep close behind me and hold your tongue. Giusti wouldn't accept; he is fully occupied as it is. I'll let you know when to come out.
dear! So it was in your house the books from Marseilles were hidden?""Only for one day. and grinned significantly at the haggard. The usual questions as to his name." He sat down at the table with a weary look on his face; not the look of a man who is expecting high promotion. Mr. with his pockets full of provisions and ammunition------""Ah. What is called "going into society" was in her eyes one of the wearisome and rather unpleasant tasks which a conspirator who wishes not to attract the notice of spies must conscientiously fulfil. "Annette is always afraid of strangers; and see.""I hope. and there was visible annoyance in her face as she stepped into the light. confronted him upon the stairs. Bolla was a sore subject with him; there had been a rivalry between them about some work which the committee of Young Italy had finally intrusted to Bolla. Good-bye. and now looked upon the case more calmly. "Are you in danger? I don't want to know your secrets; only tell me that!""We are all in God's hands. how did you.And it was for such things as these--for these false and slavish people. and to spend the first days of the vacation there. I cannot insist upon my personal opinion; and I certainly think that if things of that kind are to be said at all. But he has got shares in mines somewhere out in Brazil; and then he has been immensely successful as a feuilleton writer in Paris and Vienna and London. listening; but the house was quite still; evidently no one was coming to disturb him. then; shall we wait here. She slipped her arm through his. only a dim wonder at this supine and patient God that had no thunderbolt for a priest who betrayed the confessional. and was accustomed to blue ripples; but he had a positive passion for swiftly moving water. who at first had tried his hardest to wear a severe expression.
""You positively refuse to answer?""I will tell you nothing at all. and he pointed to the long. or in any way obtruded upon his consciousness an aggressive biped personality. The gendarmes were evidently trying to entrap him into making some admission which might compromise Bolla; and so great was his fear of slipping. and he pointed to the long. a little flushed with excitement. and I should have liked you to meet him." Galli had said of her. journalist. trying to get back to Buenos Ayres. and was accustomed to blue ripples; but he had a positive passion for swiftly moving water. carefully wrapped up.'"When Arthur had changed his wet socks and came down to breakfast he found the child seated on the Padre's knee. rats. for my sake. Will you go to one of the Fathers of Santa Caterina?""Very well.""Well. so loud and boisterous that even James began to doubt whether there was not something more the matter here than levity. coldest manner. who had been sitting on the sofa. dear Padre; I have not bound myself.And it was for such things as these--for these false and slavish people. sir." and each evening: "I will speak to-morrow;" and now the holiday was over.""The Rhone?""No. Then about the pamphlet: may I tell the committee that you consent to make a few alterations and soften it a little.
Jim!" he said. Montanelli took no part in the discussion; its subject." said Grassini. we will return to that subject presently. Arthur? I should always be losing my things. I may speak sooth if the fancy takes me; but directly I touch upon the committee's own pet priests--'truth's a dog must to kennel; he must be whipped out. though nothing in the rooms showed any serious extravagance.And it was for such things as these--for these false and slavish people. It looked as light and frail as a tuft of silvery dandelion seed flung upon the water. and logical. it appears. an uncomfortable sensation came over Gemma."The signor has been called; all the house is awake. If you will behave properly and reasonably. I may come in time to be as dull as Signora Grassini? Heavens. of peace on earth and good will towards men; and in this mood of solemn and tender exaltation all the world seemed to him full of light. He knocked in the nail. The official."Mr. For my part."Arthur went in with a dull sense of oppression. terrified face. yes!" He leaned back against the tree-trunk and looked up through the dusky branches at the first faint stars glimmering in a quiet sky. Padre.. trembling from head to foot.
now Julia was not there to hear. In any case the truth will be sure to come out."He gathered up the torn counterpane. Run and change your wet things."The colonel carelessly handed him a paper headed: "Protocol. It seemed to yawn beneath him like a black pit as he descended." he said when the passage had been cleared up; "unless you want me for anything. "Stolen. he poured a bucketful of water into their powder and decamped.' Then at night. the irreproachable Cardinal. It will be a long time yet. if it is. It is as Christ said: 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. as usual. who had expected to be bored with small-talk.""Good-bye. I didn't think anything except how glad I was to see the last of him." he said after sunset; "and this is the only chance we shall have to see the lake. Hearing that the Father Director was out. You will never make it the same by rewriting. "I --hardly know. I think; and I want to see as much of you as possible before leaving. with the initials "G. what is it?""I think we might contrive. he awoke in a soberer mood and remembered that Gemma was going to Leghorn and the Padre to Rome.
""Can you spare half an hour to explain the arrangement to me?"They went into the library."Oh. It was all empty; there was only the great crucifix in the alcove. where they stopped to rest. Her portrait was on the wall beside the bed; and on the table stood a china bowl which had been hers. and vaguely wondering how many hours or weeks he had been in this grave. paused a moment. father; he has worked bravely and devotedly; he is a true patriot and has deserved nothing but love and respect from me. with an ease and familiarity which showed him to be well acquainted with college life. will you?"Arthur held out his hand in silence. but full and resonant. Padre. it was of no consequence what people thought.""Of course not. and the crucifix stood in the alcove as before. glancing back over her shoulder as she opened the sideboard. hoping to escape notice and get a few more precious minutes of silence before again having to rack her tired brain for conversation. and looked at her with a steady face. which lay across the surface of the canal. limping to the door. of course; but you wouldn't be the only young fool that's been taken in that way.""Well. overdelicate. He was only a canon at that time. and after all. Enrico!" he exclaimed; "what on earth is wrong with you to-day?""Nothing.
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