nuisances eradicated
nuisances eradicated. "Well. they'll give us the sacred key." Mr." said Richard." she said. Old Bailey. and as she did so. "Without the angel's token you could never find your way. "Are you bribing me?" he asked. "It is an honor finally to meet you and your companion. her dark hair piled high on her head and her dress long and black. . Croup. then Varney's the master of it. "Look at this place. Can I help you?" "I don't think so. Croup sighed. "We should have been safe here. What was it the bard said?" And then he recited." They had plenty of plain mineral water. Door stroked its side with her finger. stepped into the elevator. and a dark shape larger than a mouse scurried out from the mess of videotapes beneath the television. had faded away as soon as the hospital had been closed.
the world began to resolve." sighed Richard. London grew into something huge and contradictory. "Look. First Portia would water a plant. A telephone began to ring. accurately. three women from the caterers. "Will you let him go in peace. What if they sweated so much that he simply slipped off into the void . _Perhaps he won't notice me. . "Nothing. and no one glanced at them twice. she lets it be what it wants to be. politely. in the sputtering green light of their lanterns. You come to us. He looked at the other version of himself." The Batphone shrilled. and the new girl from Computer Services." "Yeah. The boy had the towering arrogance only seen in the greatest of artists and all nine-year-old boys." said Richard. .
" The friars drew back. "I did a very bad thing. something happened to her. like a poncho. he had forgotten about it completely and utterly. He had never seen that expression on her face before. . between it and the ground; and then he found himself smiling. "Shit. They wore long dresses made of velvet. In her dream Hunter moves silent as a ghost through the wet tunnels. that if you ever set foot in my domain I would . She was taking me to the market. "you'll have to kill me first. Stockton's chauffeur phoned from Holborn to say that he was almost at the British Museum. tasting the blood. Vandemar stepped out from behind a pillar. Richard tried to catch it; he reached out his hands. "I'm really not sure how much weight the board will bear. Richard was humming loudly. I'm a roof-man. staring out of the window." he said." boomed the earl. looking embarrassed.
put it into her right hand. and it was gone. "He's in trouble. Mr." explained Mr. "I thought it was just a legend. "You got it. but it was also covered with shoes--kicking the coins. He walked over to a small heap of rubbish in the corner and put the telephone down with the rest of their haul. I have to speak with her. drinking bad tea and worse coffee. Then." The marquis addressed her directly. um. and he looked down." said Richard. and in front of him. "Can you stop people from killing me?" asked Door. If only he were a little more focused." continued Mr. Stay just where you are. the enormous volume of effluent produced by the people and industries of London. She did not go to that place in her head. "It's all right. blithe.
" he said." he said." he said. "I'm sorry. her fingers caressing it. "I think we all know each other. a swirling sudden gale. which grumbled and fidgeted in his grasp and pecked ineffectively at his fingers. talking to yourself. it's not very convenient right now. "Your mother and your sister. but no one was watching." "I'll do that anyway. Croup. Wherever he was. And she remains the light and love of my life." The marquis sniffed. Clarence winked at her. well. There wasn't really anything to be scared of. Vandemar. well. . He landed on his hands and feet in soft. Vandemar were through it.
and the door collapsed into darkness. that's all I can say. "Are there any medical people down here?" he asked the marquis. She did not seem to be enjoying herself; but she crossed. They say I'm the best since Hunter's day. His heart was pounding and shuddering in his chest. That's a good lad. and you are . and we returned it. Who are you working for?" "Oh. "I _was_ in a fi . His tie was half-undone and askew. begun to turn black from the soot and the filth in the smoky London air and now. next to the doorway in which the woman had been sleeping. He reached a hand into an inside pocket of his coat and pulled out a silver box. Richard. . in both hands. and the lights came on all over the city. She was very pale. And then they turned the corner. as more and more of London's waterways were forced into pipes and covered passages. The second guard sighed." he said. Croup and Mr.
seethed for a moment." said Hunter. "Ow." she said. loudly. Richard raised the knife. remember. before Richard could answer. All kinds of food--the smells of curries and spices seemed to predominate. a fine handkerchief for all that." said the marquis. Richard stood there. "Where are we?" he asked. "Thanks. a swirling sudden gale. Vandemar had set up their home in the cellar of a Victorian hospital. Richard wondered how the marquis managed to make being pushed around in a wheelchair look like a romantic and swashbuckling thing to do. "It's you. he can feel only pain_ . "Before Hunter agreed to work for you. Then Gary was relieved to see him smile. picking his words with care. Then she turned to him. some of them empty. .
It stuck immediately and stuck hard. impatiently. He flicked the keyboard. . as if it still found them impossible to believe. tear-stained and passionate love; and then everything would be all right. "Excuse me. taking the knife from him. slamming the door behind him. which was how caricaturists often chose to draw him. He could hear himself screaming. disappointed. clearing his throat." he said. Miss Whiskers . there was one of your rat-speaker people. sympathetically. Trust her." said the woman. and then followed him._ It was rush hour again." They went through the door." said Richard. Croup walked over to the telephone and picked up the receiver." When Richard returned with the curries.
Vandemar turned and walked off down the twisting slope of Down Street. "And a balaclava hat. a very bloody sink. she threw in a couple of small. He. Right. widdershins'?"_ _"Widdershins means counterclockwise. See you on Monday. At least below. _safe_ . "Only everything. "Pretty sure." Richard stood up. that the great art treasures of the world all blur into each other after a while. in response to your pleadings. . He had long hair. sir. the way that he had thought of Hell. "Excuse me. Vandemar. Mister C." "It's that simple?" asked Richard. Thirsty. "Just now?" "I was here.
"Surprise. The friars had washed and repaired his clothes and returned them to him. "Where is the key?" asked the abbot. here and there. and he scrambled up the wall; then. a hungry panther sighting a lost peasant child." "Let's hope your father's journal gives us some clues. aren't you one of those pieces of string?' And he says. where's the market going to be?" The rat told him. She said. Her short red hair shone in the dawn like burnished copper. peace-on-earth-goodwill-unto-men. I see. why do I have to do all this." "No." she said." "You honor us. looking embarrassed. as if it were the only fragment he had of his real life: that if he could only get the troll back." said Richard to no one in particular. It waved its tail languidly as it inspected Richard's features. I was born up here." she said. which left him almost blinded: a ghostly series of orange-green splotches that slowly faded. but I have a really dreadful memory for faces.
" said Gary." "I've got Door. Me? My name? It's Richard. The room was dark. did a bit of business together . very tired now. in a dangerous trollish voice." she said. "There isn't a British Museum Station. "Somewhere . from which the once-white paint was peeling in long. and they were inside Earl's Court. then exhaled. "Will you let him go in peace. and touched Richard's arm. no . toward British Museum Station. the last few feet. on reflection. "It's compact. "Might we see your invitation?" said another. But the most important thing for you to understand is this: all things want to open. it wouldn't let me. "Everybody's dangerous. The marquis de Carabas went down on one knee to the girl and lowered his head.
"What kind of personal physical services?" he asked. "I." Richard felt the sticky warmth of blood soaking into his shirt. and an elderly." He took a deep breath. in the drawer." said the marquis. the room had long been destroyed and forgotten. "Arise. to a cluster of bewildered strangers. "Oh. And it fed on the sewage. and then stepped out onto a narrow ledge." "He's from the Upside. _Is that what Heaven looks like? It seems more like Hell. the pain was beginning to abate. The Upworlder. "The Floating Market. puzzled. improbable. I mean. who the man was. Her shoulder was beginning to throb._ The platform was deserted and dark again. and over our sister.
out of words. And. and then he succumbed to her kiss entirely. Then he continued. My family had no enemies." she said. As the travelers reached him. Vandemar held the centipede's head delicately between a huge thumb and a massive forefinger to stop it wriggling. "The kind in armor?" "The kind that comes when day is over. They went through the gate. of women and of men." he said. He climbed to his feet. and it was gone. he realized. and traversed the marshy place at the bottom of the steps. and she stopped talking to blow her nose on a tissue. A few hundred feet down the pavement. It was being held in the Fish and Meat Hall. The wail of the saxophone trailed off in a nervous squeak. Croup scratched his head of orange hair." He threw back his head. and he wondered why he had ever thought that Door would have been pleased to see him. um. "Some of them.
Get it?" Mr. Need to be an opener to use it. I had a friend lost a head to one of them. "Give him his life back. Old Bailey was not. didn't I tell you? Whoops! I can't go upstairs?' Hunter?" He paused. The friars had washed and repaired his clothes and returned them to him. she understands. Changed it again. to the rat. Neither of them had entirely approved of him as a future son-in-law: in fact. "Door._ The Lord Rat-speaker fumbled on the bench. if it was even morning." said Varney." said Richard to Hunter. old drink. a harum-scarum tumbling flight through passages and tunnels. most of them improvised. "The photograph's me. A cracked and leaking water pipe nearby had. "would be fine . He was a roof-man and proud of it; had fled the world at ground level so long ago . as friends kiss friends." Then it pointed to the marquis.
Door stood on Richard's bed to reach it. as it was a decade before his death. "There's nothing that _feels_ like the Angelus. "You've been asleep for ages. There was a pause. she simply picked him up. He had his own window. rusting iron staircase. in order to convey the tragedy that losing such a remarkable corpse would be. Old Bailey pocketed it. I'm wandering around with a girl called Door. "Surprise. with her arm neatly bandaged. at the main gate. And amplified . if it isn't a personal question. Someone picked Richard up with a hand the size of a sheep's head. and one late office worker. far. wiped it on the leather sole of his well-polished black boot. Something went click. holding the piece of paper. Still. that is not happening." He took a deep breath.
do I have the honor. pointing to the direction from which the music was coming. Vandemar seemed genuinely pleased by this. Big . not drinking. "_Them. with his one good eye." said the angel. His skin felt clammy." he confided. Richard. its wings and hair on fire. threw back her head. Richard decided. "And I think I can decide who comes with us." said Hunter. He rubbed at the spit with a massive thumb." he said. They were smoke-blackened relics of the late twenties or the early thirties. Instead he took a deep breath and realized. the big white buggers? They're down there. The marquis de Carabas watched the sleeping children. A few noises in the dark . "You've been sold out. The rustle of the leaves had been so much louder than these pale women.
cautiously. as she began to pass out. Richard. "Hi. unwrapped the first paper-covered object. "You are. books. "I was lucky. Your Grace." she said. Richard stared at the glistening street. "Tch. I mean. exposing his throat again. _Them. The woman said nothing." He thought for a moment. "Play it." said Richard." "Yes. Richard sat on his couch. a golden sun hanging huge in the sky; everything simpler. . Mr."_ And.
I'll take us in. " she fingered the quartz beads around her neck. But she hadn't left the apartment. "As far as I'm concerned our engagement is at an end. he rang the doorbell. Lady Serpentine. Croup. Then she pulled herself up to her full size. He knew that. she said. "It _is_ here. truer to his nature. "Lucifer was an idiot. "Let's see what Door thinks."_ He passed the lights and the noise of the Virgin megastore. Vandemar found the telephone. who the man was." said Hunter." said the angel. "Do you keep your life hidden anywhere. "Richard!" said Door. "I would like to propose a toast to our guests. . Richard tried to yank free and follow her." "That's right.
Now. Croup. "Of the Seven Sisters. . Vandemar's voice was saying. "Kill someone I mean indeed." he whispered. "Of what?" Gary realized Richard had not heard a word he had said. He rubbed his eyes with his hands. ." said Gary reassuringly. do I have the honor. Lucifer was an angel. "I'm still here. With this knife I do give to you the freedom of the Underside. never quite having lived down the evening when an entire floor's worth of computer equipment upped and left. isn't it?" "Is it?" asked Richard." She looked up at him with her odd-colored eyes. Lamia pressed the bottom-most button. The earl knighted me with it." "And marquis of Westmorland. Hammersmith. A perceptible flush appeared on his pallid cheeks. . suddenly.
"I must stay in London Below. "Are you all right?" asked Richard. from all the pain. while civilization crumbles about their ears. Gary said his name again. Don't go on. "Miss Whiskers?" Door shrugged. "You didn't. now. Richard looked out of the open elevator door." said Richard. " . white-knuckled. which he was tossing down onto the flagstones in front of him. approvingly. And then. and she closed the door quietly behind her." "Richard Oliver Mayhew. "I can't feel my hands. At least the tunnel they were now walking down was dry. ." Richard hurried past. "Listen to yourself. But I hardly remember what we were arguing about. She said.
"Mayhew. The marquis took in the room. through the mire. "The boss. Hello?" "I'm not an idiot. "I'm afraid we won't be needing your services after all. And in return you agreed to provide a little favor. Door began to walk up the next flight of steps. I suppose you shut it in a door. "Didn't. with one decisive motion. He examined it. And then. "I am in awe of your pugilistic talents. looted and found and rescued and donated over hundreds of years. Dunnikin picked his nose thoughtfully. and Croup and Vandemar walked behind him. then: "No. "This will bring you safely through the last stage of your journey back to me. And there was the place by the window. Richard found that he cared less and less what these people thought of him. "We have lost the key. the oldest of the Seven Sisters. "I think we do. There was a long plank stretched between the ledge on which they stood and the top of the rocky path.
fianc??-wise. Hands covered ears. or even on. at which the marquis wasn't much good. there aren't any Tintorettos at the Tate. He could feel it drifting from west to east. "Come on. darling. "Hammersmith?" said Door. while Mr. "Oh. then. "I think maybe you were in shock or something last night. "It was a nightmare. It stopped when it reached the rock-pool. once-white umbrella--were tied together with string beside her. I was wondering. He got to the Stockton building in ten minutes. tongues pierced. "In York. Richard Mayhew?" Richard shrugged. clutching a long strip of black material. Anaesthesia handed Richard her candle-lamp. "See. They reached a gate in the railings.
and the occasional official-looking notices warning musicians playing for coins to move away from the station. The street ended in a vast Cyclopean gateway--built of enormous rough stone blocks. Dick. picking his words with care. It was more than a wind. There were huge angels and tiny angels. "You?" he said. He was moving from a red rage to an oily gray sulk. "And meat hooks. "You?" he said. moved away. He did not care. and opened her mouth once more. the ground level having risen since Constantine's mother's day (most of the original London Wall is fifteen feet below street level today). . and get another promotion. as if it were posing for a Christmas card. the view from the top was without compare. which fed on tourists. It sounded as if she were quoting from somewhere. Where _were_ you?" She licked her finger and turned a page. "Go and make jokes at them. "And hello to you too." "Jam tomorrow. The ripped lace train of Serpentine's dress dragged in the mire behind her.
swaying gently. Messire Marquis. They sat down on the bed. and a good deal more ornate than either. He wandered off. "Ah. one from the throat. each time. "No. . and Jessica came in. Croup simply chuckled; and Door knew then that the Angel Islington was not her friend. Something in the quality of the darkness beyond his closed eyelids changed. Croup ran a hand through his lank orange hair. shrinking as it tumbled into the blinding gulf beyond."_ He made a noise then--the _cuck-koo cuck-koo_ that a cuckoo might make. doing the things that rats do when no people are watching. smiled at Richard. stepping into the light. and putting it back on his head. several mugs. Almost. Mister Vandemar. "If I have to. on the edge of Soho.
We should be hanging the former marquis's sad remains from the highest gibbet in London Below. and was then neatly cut off. Clarence. and emptied. It'll get you through the labyrinth. . a ghost-thing. It goes back to its friends and says." said Richard. The whole mechanism looked rather like a combined television and video player might look. . Mister Vandemar. Fast falls the foe. PUT YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR MISERY. "You'll see. A thousand? Two thousand? Five thousand? One stall was piled high with bottles. Stockton was not half an hour late. "Our employer. She's right. . The marquis slipped the carving discreetly into an inside pocket. "Good evening. She reached out a hand: there was a click. "I don't know. her mouth open.
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